
The English Department strives to provide students with a strong academic background in English Language Arts. Students experience various genres, activities, and topics that are implemented in daily lesson plans and curriculum units to broaden the range of skills necessary for them to become well-rounded, life-long learners, as well as to succeed in school and on state-mandated achievement assessments. Students learn skills in writing, reading, and vocabulary that will instill in them an appreciation of literature throughout high school and beyond. The department continually updates and realigns curriculum and assessments to meet the changing and developing needs of students and to align with state mandates and curriculum standards. The curriculum is aligned with the 2017 English Language Arts and Literacy Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and is designed to help students succeed in any future endeavors they may pursue.

AP Literature Exam is May 8th at 8:00AM
AP Language Exam is May 14th at 8:00AM

English Staff

Name Email Extra Help Extension
Anderson, Marc manderson@baypath.net Tuesday
Cote, Barbara bcote@baypath.net Wednesday
Crevier, Jessica jcrevier@baypath.net Monday
Giampa, Cody cgiampa@baypath.net Monday
Giles, Johanna jgiles@baypath.net Monday
Greenough, Al agreenough@baypath.net Monday
Kearns, Ethan ekearns@baypath.net Monday
Lynch, Susan slynch@baypath.net Monday
Mahler, Ilana imahler@baypath.net Thursday
Oakley, Michelle moakley@baypath.net Monday
Shea, Kellie kshea@baypath.net Thursday
Tonkin, Sarah stonkin@baypath.net Wednesday