Business, Entrepreneurship and Marketing Courses

Freshman Year


Students will begin with industry health and safety training. Students will learn keyboarding techniques. They will understand Windows operating system basics and learn entry-level functionality of the Microsoft Suite, which they will use to solve common workplace issues. Students will begin with introductory presentation skills, document creation, desktop publishing and spreadsheet management. Students will learn the basics of gathering information and utilizing the Internet as a research tool. Students will be exposed to discussion and employer expectations. At the end of the year, students will have the opportunity to obtain Microsoft PowerPoint certification. Students will gain an understanding of entrepreneurial characteristics.


The student will identify opportunities in marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship. They will learn a basic understanding of the operating procedures of the Minuteman Shoppe and will learn the fundamentals of operating the machines and equipment in the shop. They will develop product/service knowledge and be able to assess customer needs. Students will be able to explain the fundamental principles of monetary and economic exchanges with customers. Freshmen students will also begin to develop an understanding of the role of promotion in business and marketing. Students will begin to learn effective communication skills and apply them in all domains. 

Sophomore Year


Students will begin with industry health and safety training. Students will become acquainted with the skills, abilities, and attitudes needed for successful job performance in the business industry. Students will get an introduction to the kinds of mathematical problems they can expect to encounter in their everyday lives, such as maintaining checkbooks, savings, purchasing food, clothing, and other items; paying for their mortgage, and home repairs and improvements; keeping up with medical, car, house, and life insurance; income tax preparation. They will also learn how to solve many of these day-to-day financial problems. Sophomores will expand their knowledge of spreadsheets, database and presentation software, while building their speed on the keyboard. Leadership and employability skills will continue to be enhanced, as well as the ability think critically. Students will complete the General Industry 10-hour OSHA certification. At the end of the year, the students would have the opportunity to obtain Microsoft Word certification.


This course takes the students deeper into the explanation of educating the customer. Sophomore students will learn the important components of a Marketing Plan. They will also demonstrate the foundational knowledge of selling. Students will learn the difference between paid and unpaid forms of advertising and how to use those in product-mix strategies to meet profit goals. Project/Service Management will be discussed and students will learn the fundamental knowledge and how to improve workflow and minimize costs. Sophomore students will also learn the basic knowledge in pricing products/services. 

Junior Year


Students will begin with industry health and safety training. Students will continue to develop employability skills including workplace attitudes, effective communication, reliability and time management. Students will further develop e-mail skills using Microsoft Outlook. Students expand customer service skills and an understanding of the importance of good customer service to a business. Tax preparation and tax law changes will continue as well as an understanding of the global economy. Students will improve their leadership and management skills. At the end of the year, the students would have the opportunity to obtain Microsoft Excel certification.


Junior Marketing students learn how to identify business in society. Students learn how to explain the concepts, systems and tools needed to gather, access, synthesize, evaluate and disseminate information in making business decisions. Students learn how to identify and analyze markets and how to use the available internal and external data to optimize sales. This allows students to implement purchasing procedures to obtain business supplies, equipment, and services. Students gain their OSHA Certification and learn the fundamentals of health and safety in the workplace. Students also develop policies and procedures to protect workplace security. Junior students learn how to identify and utilize various electronic media for promotional marketing, information and training, and general communications.

Senior Year


Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of the Microsoft Office suite. Financial literacy competencies will be strengthened. They will be equipped with the skills to discover how to become proficient and independent as they transition into becoming young adults and living on their own. Ethics, values, and morals will be engrained into the curriculum. Student will understand the importance of professionalism, including reliability, honesty, responsibility, and accountability. Students will fill out job applications, practice role-playing for job interviewing and complete personal portfolios. At the end of the year, the students would have the opportunity to obtain Microsoft Access certification.


Senior Marketing students learn how to manage personal finances to achieve financial goals. They learn how to manage financial resources to ensure solvency. Students learn how to explain the accounting equation and changes that effect it. Students learn how to journalize transactions, post to a general ledger and prepare financial statements. Senior students analyze market research results and demonstrate foundational knowledge of Marketing Information Management. Students manage channel activities to minimize costs and to determine distribution strategies.