Grading Policy

Grading Policy/Expectations and Make-Up Work

In order to meet all course competencies, students who have worked hard but need some additional time to be successful, based on the teacher’s discretion, may be given two additional opportunities to prove mastery of the course standards. The first is within ten school days after the issuance of mid-term grades, and the second opportunity is within ten school days after the issuance of quarterly grades. Fourth quarter grades are finalized on the last day of school.

All students who have been absent, dismissed, or on short-term suspension (less than 5 days), are expected to make up all school work missed. It is the student’s responsibility to make all arrangements with his/her teachers immediately upon returning to school regardless of whether it is a shop week or an academic week. Students will have 2 school days per day missed for make-up work. This will ensure that students will be able to work towards mastering course competencies in a timely manner. All teachers are required to remain after school one day a week.

In the instance of a long term suspension (5 or more days), the discipline office will send work requests to teachers and the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the suspended student may pick up the work he/she is going to miss. This work must be submitted to the teachers, either directly upon return to school, upon first class session together, or according to the student’s individual plan.

Students who will be absent for an extended illness or family crisis should give their work request to their professional school counselor and/or team chairperson as soon as they know they will be absent in excess of 5 school days.

Students who fail to complete the make-up work during the given grace period from the absence or suspension will receive zeros for all work missed.

A student who is present and who does not complete assignments has made a choice not to do so. This goes for class work, homework, tests, and projects. Therefore, the make-up policy does not apply to him/her. It will be up to the individual teacher to decide what accommodations, if any, will be awarded to such students.


Report Card

Report cards are issued quarterly. Parents and students should carefully examine all information on the card. Please note that the grade of 65% is passing and anything below is a failure.


Grade Failures

ALL students must make up their class failures in summer school to satisfy the requirements for promotion/graduation. ALL students who fail for the school year and have not made up the requirements for promotion will need to notify Bay Path of their future intentions in order to hold a spot for them in their repeating year. Students can also elect to transfer to their local high school or another chosen school.

Students who fail for the school year and who have not satisfied summer school requirements for promotion will be retained, with no guarantee of remaining in the same shop, since that shop may already have been filled by promoted students.


Summer School and Promotion Policy

Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School does offer a summer school program. Students who need to make up required subjects may also do so at an accredited summer school program offered by one of the area schools. Students or parents may contact the Guidance Office for further information.

Students who fail shop (or related) will not be promoted; it is nearly impossible to make up shop in summer school. These students will no longer be able to continue in these shops. Summer school for related courses is offered at Pathfinder and Montachusett Vocational High Schools.

The graduation requirement for Social Studies and Science is three years. If a student fails both in a given year, he/she must attend summer school for one.

Students who fail Math, English, or Physical Education/Health will not be promoted to the next grade unless these courses are made up in summer school. It is the responsibility of the parents and students to notify the Guidance Office of summer school attendance. The Guidance Office prior to student promotion to the next grade will verify summer school grades.

In order for a student to go to summer school, the student must have a minimum yearly grade average of 48. A student has the right to appeal this minimum grade requirement by requesting a hearing with the principal who may waive the rule and allow a student to go to Summer School after an Appeals Hearing.


Honor Roll

Students who have received a 90% or higher in all subjects with the exception of P.E. where a 75% or higher, or an 'M' (medical) is acceptable, will be placed on High Honors for that completed quarter.

Students who have received a 80% or higher in all subjects with the exception of P.E. where a 75% or higher, or an 'M' (medical) is acceptable, will be placed on Honors for that completed quarter. Students who during the marking quarter have obtained a combined average in all courses, of 80% or better, and do not have any grade less than 75% for the marking term in any one subject will be placed on Principal's List.


Class Rank

The class rank of a student is calculated on performance. The rank is based on: Number of credits, course grades, and quality points. Quality points are assigned to each course so those courses that demand higher scholastic achievement are given more weight in the overall calculation of the class rank.