Mandated Screenings

Mandated Screenings

Postural Screening

According to state law, Postural Screening is required for all grade 9 students. This screening is typically done by the students own physician within the current school year and appears on their annual physical. If a parent requests it, the nurse can conduct this screening at school.

Height and Weight Screening 10th grade

Heights and weights are mandated for all grade 10 students. The nurse and a Health Teacher will conduct these screenings in private. A letter will be sent home prior to the screening if the parent/guardian would like to opt out.

Vision and Hearing Screening 9th grade

Vision and Hearing Screenings are mandated for all grade 9 students and will be done by parent(s)/guardian(s) request for those students with a concern in Grades 10 through 12. The nurse and trained others will conduct these screenings. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified to make referrals for those students who do not pass the vision or hearing screening.

SBIRT Screening (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) 9th grade

All Massachusetts public schools must include a verbal substance use preventive screening as part of their yearly mandated universal health-screening programs. Our district uses the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) protocol with students in grade 9. Students will be asked several questions in private. There will be a one-on-one conversation between each student and a school nurse or counselor. The purpose of this effort is to prevent, or at least delay, alcohol, marijuana or other illicit drug use. The SBIRT program reinforces healthy decisions and addresses concerns about substance use to improve health, safety and success in school. A letter will be sent home prior to the screening if the parent/guardian would like to opt out.