Technology Department


Bay Path is always striving to improve and teach to its full potential. Budget concerns, grant opportunities and donations are always a major factor in school operations. Our school has done well to cope with many good and bad financial issues. The professional development committee is very active in providing faculty with opportunities to learn new classroom technologies. The media center stays open one hour after school ends for any staff or student who needs help or computer use time. Our school network provides internet access via two cable modem lines and complies with CIPA standards using web filters and firewalls. We have internet policies for both staff and students and include this document online. Overall Bay Path provides a technologically enriched environment. It is a battle to keep current with technology but donations from major corporations have made a difference. It is my hope the school will be able to keep current in the future as our society becomes more advanced in technology and educational practices.


This page was constructed to provide a help resource for the Bay Path staff, a resource that is needed with the constant shift in technology requirements. If you need more help beyond the context of this page submit a help request or contact via phone @ 508-248-5971 ext.1738