All News For Plumbing
These projects and accomplishments made by students over the years in Plumbing show what you can create and learn with all the supplies and knowledge you gain at Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School!

SkillsUSA 2019 National Gold Medalist
Congratulations to Michael Moran for earning the Gold Medal at the National Plumbing competition for SkillsUSA in Louisville, Kentucky.

Plumbing Award: PHCC ALL-STAR Award
A deserving Senior student from Plumbing will receive an award from MA PHCC and the Ferguson Company. This is an annual award given to a plumbing student that plans to pursue their career in the plumbing trade. They receive tools and a portion of Tier 4 night school paid for. Congratulations to our latest Senior Plumbing All-Star from the graduating class of 2022 - Connor Barton

Plumbing students have an abundance of CO-OP opportunities each year through community companies. Upon graduation, students have the opportunity for job placement or post secondary Plumbing programs!